Congratulations to our top three NMABE Spanish Spelling Bee: Andrea Garcia, Red Mountain Middle School, Deming Public Schools (1st place). Sophie Otero, Mountain View Ms, Rio Rancho Public Schools (2nd place) Jayden Cruz, Cesar Chavez Elem., Santa Fe Public Schools (Third Place)
Felicidades a los concursantes por su gran esfuerzo de aprender a deletrear bien en español. Gracias a todos los educadores por apoyar la educación bilingüe porque no es solo un programa en las escuelas para asegurar que nuestros alumnos aprendan español, si no que también es un derecho, un derecho para nuestros niños, un derecho de aprender en su idioma mientras aprenden su segundo idioma.
All three winners get to participate at the National Spanish Spelling Bee this summer!
Congratulations to all our 2023 participants and families!
First Place - Keilany Baca, Cien Aguas International School
2nd Place - Andrea Garcia, Deming Public Schools
3rd Place, Natalia Acosta-Briones, Las Cruces Public Schools
Keilany will now represent New Mexico at the National Spanish Spelling Bee June 30 - July 1 in El Paso, Texas.
Sponsor Jose Reyes and State Spanish Spelling Bee Coordinator Jesus Moncada presented our 2017 National Spanish Spelling Bee winner with a recognition for her efforts!